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Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 13:41
by bomberesque
/sticks his head round the door at the mention of a reborn 5punkorp

/bums everyone

/leaves again for fear of getting sucked in :ignore: :ignore: :ignore:

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 18:31
by buzzmong
:wave: Bomber!

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 21:21
by centerededgedesign
Turns out wormholes and incursions are all the 'new rage'. Learning more about wormholes and life within them. Haven't ventured into ours yet, as I've not got a ship I feel like losing yet, and current membership isn't extremely active there. Lots of talk re: Planetary Interaction as well, but trying to focus skills, not spread them out even further. Hope you 5punky types are all well for the holidays. Facebook hasn't kept me in very good touch w/ you lot, and I regret that!

Cheers, and keep flying safe!

/me bums.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 14:54
by Wiggy
Hmm, bugger. I appear to have resubbed.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 24th, 2012, 15:30
by friznit
I give you one week before you unsub again!

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: March 29th, 2012, 20:03
by buzzmong
As this is the latest EVE thread I can find, I feel like sharing some rather loltastic news:

The Mittani (CEO of Goonswarm) got really shitfaced at Fanfest '12 and during the open Q&A with alliance leaders after the Alliance presentations, named and called for the harrasment of a player who'd posted some suicidal comments in one of the emails the Goons had recieved after ganking him (Mittani had shown the mail in his slides as part of a set of similar "tears" mails, albeit sans name).

CCP were not happy and as a result, Mittens has just been banned for 30 days for breaking the TOS/EULA. In a double whammy due to the CSM rules regarding active CSM members breaking the TOS/EULA+Bannings, he's not only been kicked out of CSM 6 but also forfeited his continued chairmanship and place in the just about to start CSM 7. :lol:

Goonswarm are crying actual tears as their beloved CEO has probably done more damage to them in a single drunken moment than any spy could ever do. As it's goons, lots of gnashing of teeth and trying to place blame elsewhere has ensued.

Oh, and they've annouced they're going to mass gank Jita (although it is partially unrelated, they've just moved the dates forward to coincide with the expiry of said temp ban), which could prove to be really good for the game oddly enough.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: March 29th, 2012, 20:07
by friznit
lols, Mittens was always a tit. Clever lawyer, but still a tit. Goons will be goons.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 19:14
by Morrill
Ohh crap i have to start playing again. Lets see how long it lasts this time.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: August 29th, 2012, 21:45
by friznit
I've found myself reading Eve forums again. This is a bad sign.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: August 30th, 2012, 4:58
by bomberesque
I've found myself reading this forum again, which is a confusing sign

btw, can't believe they only banned Goons CEO for a month for inciting bullying of a suicidal (prbably) teenager. clearly premeditated aswell, unless he made the slides on the go as he was getting drunker. moron.

I doubt I could come back to EVE though ... it sucks up time that I need to earn monies or keep my marriage going (attempts to tempt Mrs B into gaming have been met with derision and not a small amount of pointing and laughing)

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: August 30th, 2012, 5:50
by Dog Pants
5punkorp: Being resurrected since 2004.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: September 10th, 2012, 15:52
by eRabbit
friznit wrote:I've found myself reading Eve forums again. This is a bad sign.
Schoolboy error!

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 20:25
by Taraniis
'sup man-slags? I know its an old thread, but they call me the Threadromancer...

I have resubbed both accounts and got a spunky new dual screen thing going on so I can see more Friz, more of the time... Mmmmm, Frizzy...

Also we have been chatting and I am looking to remake "5punkcorp." yeah thats right, fucking dot, because everyone needs grammar in EvE nowadays. We were going to go with forwardslash or hyphen but that might be too forward thinking.

I'm not going to lie, it'll probably be slow going for a little while because I am looking to set it up as a cash cow/staging corp so I'll be POS running for the first few months but then again we will eventually be making in the region of several billion isk per... er... <---> that much time? Fuck knows. Having said that anyone who joins won't have to do the POS thing and can do what they like.

Anyway the plan is to make shed loads of isk, then pay Friz back. After that the plan is to make so much isk that we can just blow shit up and not have to worry about having the isk available to replace our stuff.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 20:57
by friznit
Fucking tumbleweed tastic. I've been resubbed for a few months now and it's got me proper hooked again. So many changes and improvements in the last year it's actually fun once more. Unfortunately Dres disappeared whilst still CEO of 5punkorp, so while I have an alt there I can't claim it back cos he's not a director (I petitioned already). But 5punkorpDOT will be a fresh start, with shiny new faction standings so we can build POS in space and make phat iskies. The advantage this time round being I have plenty of spare startup isk, so no fucking around and can go full on from the outset.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 15th, 2013, 22:00
by Taraniis
Fucking yes

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 17th, 2013, 18:19
by friznit
Wiggy just appeared and since he's a director we can start a vote to get 5punkorp back from afk Dres! Woo!

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 17th, 2013, 20:55
by Taraniis
So many moons... I can't take it anymore... We have a nice spreadsheet out of it though.

Although, Sagain is pretty barren as none of the moons have any minerals. It's a 0.4 right next to a 0.6, we could have as many POSeseses as we like in here pretty much.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 17th, 2013, 21:19
by buzzmong
Alright you two lovable twats, which system have you set up shop in?

I *might* come and pay a visit sometime after this week once I've got some IRL stuff out of the way.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 18th, 2013, 19:15
by friznit
None yet, it's only a few days in since people suddenly appeared in X-5punkers after 3 months (at least, 3 months since I resubbed). We have a plan to use 5punkorp to refine adv mats in a low sec pos somewhere in Tash Murkon for isk making, while we dick around in a Wormhole corp or something. I have another mate who recently started in a large carebear corp that has space in Provi, a CL5 wormhole and regularly does major mining ops and cheap pvp so it sounds like a good place to chill out in and let someone else do all the admin work.

Friznit himself is in the equivalent of Tri Mk XII, killing Russians in the drone regions.

Re: Eve-online: 5punkorp is REBORN!!!

Posted: February 19th, 2013, 1:05
by Taraniis
We are looking to set up in Sagain, if only because there are 78 moons and just 5 of them are occupied so if we decide this POS thing works we/I can go balls out and make metric fucktons of isk per month. Then I am going to buy Friz and make him dance for me...

On a more logistical/serious note. The system is actually pretty well placed and very quiet, none of the moons have any worthwhile minerals worth harvesting so the POS in system are pretty much left alone, also it is within 2 cynos of the main trading hubs so jump freighters can be used to spread our 5punky goodness far and wide. I have seen some Provi alliances using it as a staging point to make jumps without having to go through the Gaza Strip that is R3-K7K or Y-MPWL but they are mainly freighter/carrier convoys and deploy right next to the station only to dock and then reappear and then jump out again.

For the most part it is just a transit route with very minimal traffic (17 pilots on average, 6 tonight for the most part)