Help with reviews - please read this before posting a review

Console/PC game reviews by 5punkers

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Help with reviews - please read this before posting a review

Post by spoodie »

We encourage you to use the following template as the basis of your review, a standardised format will make it easier for the reader and probably the writer aswell. Feel free to change the format within the limits of the guidelines further down. Just copy and paste the contents of the "Code" into your review post, and amend the star smileys as appropriate.

Have fun and be creative. :likesitall:

edit: template now has blue titles, it was used elsewhere and I think it looks good and adds a bit of 5punk style to the reviews.
edit 2: template now has formatting for the shiney star scoring system

Code: Select all

[color=#3D84BD][size=150][b]Game Name - Platform[/b][/size][/color]

some text

some text

[color=#3D84BD][b]Sights and Sounds[/b][/color]
some text

[color=#3D84BD][b]Stuff that sucks[/b][/color]
some text

some text

[color=#3D84BD][size=150][b]Score : [/b][/size][/color] :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starfull:  :starhalf:  :starempty:
Game Name - Platform

some text

some text

Sights and Sounds
some text

Stuff that sucks
some text

some text

Score : :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starhalf: :starempty:
Last edited by spoodie on February 27th, 2006, 15:54, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by FatherJack »

Here's a brief guide on how to use the review template, for more general help please see the Guidelines thread.

New review threads should clearly indicate the name of the game being reviewed, any responses or further reviews of the game on the same or different platform should be posted in the same thread.

Game Name - Platform
Let us know the platform you're reviewing on, in case there's a difference.

Just few lines about what the game is, maybe some blurb off the box, pics or links to game sites.
Either a few simple facts, or where you heard about the game and why you got hold of it.
If the game has both single and multi-player aspects, mention which you are reviewing.
Pics should be thumbnailed and linked - we'll post a guide on how to do this later.

These next three section headings are entirely up to the reviewer, but if you want to just use the default ones, here are some ideas:
-How do you play?
-What are the controls like?
-Does the 'story' fit with the actual game?
-What modes of play are there?
-Is it fun?
-How much game is in there?
-Would you play it through again?

Sights and Sounds
-Is it graphically impressive?
-Are the 'camera' angles well-chosen?
-Is it atmospheric?
-Do you enjoy the music?
-Are the 'levels' well-designed?

Stuff that sucks
For a balanced review, it's always a good idea to find a few points you didn't like, even if they are minor:
-Was it over too quickly, or too easily?
-Did it frustrate you?
-Did a flaw in the design make it harder than it should have been?
-Were there glitches?
-Was it confusing, or hard to see what was going on?

Some people will only read this bit, so make it a quick summation of your thoughts, perhaps what you would tell someone verbally if they asked you in passing. Maybe the game is 'broken beyond playability', 'lacks depth' or is 'utterly incomprehensible, insanely furious, but great'.

Score: 0/10
The score is optional, but also somethiing that reader's eyes seek out first. Whetever rating you use make it clear what a maximum score would be, should we get a lot of ratings for particular games we might like to show an average score in the thread title.